Saturday, March 17, 2012

Plo Koon

Yesterday I ran 3.14 in 30:48.6. I can honestly say that I gave it my best effort. Most runs, I don't push myself. I'm a solo runner with exercise-induced asthma and severe environmental allergies. I don't want to risk it. Have you ever been to Atlanta this time of year? The trees are releasing their "essence". In a few days-weeks, the pine trees will be releasing a thick coat of greenish-yellow pollen that will blow in the wind and make it look like we are being gassed. It's disgusting. It's horrible for my allergies and asthma. It is the time of year I want/need to strap on my Plo Koon mask and keep running.

I digress. Yesterday's run was epic. I pushed myself and ran when my lungs were begging me to stop and catch my breath. (Yes, I have to stop a lot due to my asthma, and walk it off so I don't start wheezing.) My lungs, for the most part, handled it and I'm proud of my run yesterday. I look forward to the day that my lungs won't make me stop and "walk it off", but I am happy with the effort I put out yesterday.

Here are my splits:
Elevation Gain
Elevation Loss
Avg Pace
Best Pace

The third mile was mostly uphill, or so it seemed! It was definitely my slowest mile. I didn't stop at all for the first mile which is a big deal for me. I could kick some serious butt if I could keep my first mile pace for the full distance. I ask you all: how do I strengthen my lungs while running during allergy season? Any of you run with exercise-induced asthma? Yes, I do use my inhaler before running. How can I wean myself from these "walk it off" breaks? Especially at shorter distances. I know I need to build my base and take it one mile at a time, but any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

***My apologies, I do not know how to make the split chart smaller. I am obviously web/blogger challenged!***

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